
Acne is a very common skin condition for teens and adults of all ages. Contrary to popular acne myths, acne is not caused by poor hygiene or eating certain unhealthy foods. Nor is it a skin problem that people must suffer through and allow to simply "run its course."

Acne is a treatable skin condition, with a variety of options for each patient to consider.

The first line of defense is a regular medical cleanse treatment designed to prevent regular breakouts. At the Great Falls Plastic Surgery Center, we carry the popular Obagi Clenziderm line, which is available in "normal to oily: and "normal to dry" skin type formulations.

Obagi Clenziderm for Acne

Obagi CLENZIderm M.D. Systems are the only prescription-strength acne treatments that contain a patented, solubilized form of 5% benzoyl peroxide (BPO) to penetrate deep into the follicle and treat acne where it starts.

Who can benefit from the CLENZIderm M.D. Normal to Oily System?

* Patients with normal to oily skin

* Patients who prefer gels

* Patients with less sensitive skin who can tolerate most topical acne treatments

Who can benefit from the CLENZIderm M.D. Normal to Dry System?

* Patients with normal to dry skin

* Patients who prefer lotions

* Patients with sensitive skin, or skin that is naturally dry

* Patients looking to minimize side effects of retinoids or other acne treatments

Ask Dr. Morse which CLENZIderm M.D. System is right for you. Contact the Great Falls Plastic Surgery Center to learn more about acne treatments and products.