Brow Lift

A brow lift can reduce wrinkles and lines around on the forehead, and restore the youthful arch of the eyebrows. The procedure may also be effective for correcting loose, drooping skin on the eyelids. Your brow lift can be performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. There are many different techniques that can be used, including the minimally invasive endoscopic brow lift. Typical recovery time is 7-10 days.

Indications for a Brow Lift

If you're considering a brow lift, you should be a healthy, non-smoking individual with realistic expectations about cosmetic surgery. The procedure can treat conditions such as:

  • Brow ptosis
  • Deep furrows, wrinkles
  • Forehead lines or creases

Your Brow Lift with Dr. Morse

A brow lift can be performed under local or general anesthesia, in a hospital or outpatient clinic. The operation can take 2 to 3 hours. During a traditional forehead lift, an incision is made from ear to ear and the forehead tissues are gently elevated. After closing the incision, the incision site is cleansed and bandaged. A popular alternative is the endoscopic brow lift, which uses smaller incisions and the aid of an endoscope.

During your consultation, Dr. Morse will work with you to design the best surgical approach for your brow lift.

What to Expect After Surgery

Your recovery will vary depending on which surgical approach was chosen, and whether or not it is combined with another cosmetic procedure. Dr. Morse will be sure to explain your aftercare instructions and prescribe a medication to help help you manage post-operative pain or numbness. Many patients return to work after a week, but are asked to refrain from vigorous exercise for an average of 6 weeks following surgery.

Do you have questions about the brow lift? Contact the office of Great Falls plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Martine Morse to learn more about this procedure.