Keloid Scar Removal

Keloid scar removal may involve any one of a number of procedures including excision, radiation, laser therapy, cryosurgery, corticosteroid creams and/or injections, or compression therapy. The main treatment goal is to break down keloid scars, an abnormal proliferation of scar tissue that forms at the site of cutaneous injury and grows beyond the boundaries of the original wound.

Indications for Keloid Scar Removal

Individuals suffering from keloid scarring exhibit an excessive growth of scar tissue at an injury site. Keloid scars are raised and grow and beyond the boundaries of the original injury, sometimes bulging significantly beyond the wound. Keloids should not be confused with hypertrophic scars, which are raised like keloids, but do not grow beyond the boundaries of the original wound and often reduce over time.

If you present the following scar tissue symptoms, you may be a good candidate for keloid scar removal treatment:

  • Keloid growth beyond wound site
  • Does not improve with time
  • Thicker than rest of skin, often bulging

Your Keloid Scar Removal Procedure With Dr. Morse

Dr. Morse will take all precautions to prevent additional keloid scarring. Non-essential surgery will be avoided; if surgery is needed to remove the keloid he will take care to minimize skin tension and secondary infection. Preoperative antibiotics will often be applied in the situation of excision, and radiation therapy may be performed as a keloid preventative step.

Given that no single therapeutic modality has been determined experimentally to be most effective for treating keloid scar, Dr. Morse will select the most appropriate treatment based on scar location, your history and your family's history of abnormal scar formation, allergies, and so on.

Local anesthesia will be given, unless other procedures such as skin grafting are necessary. If surgical excision is selected, Dr Morse will likely combine the procedure with other treatments such as steroid injection, pressure dressing, and/or radiation.

What to Expect After Surgery

Postoperative therapy after keloid scar removal varies considerably according to procedure. Generally, patients will be advised to wash the treated area gently with mild soap and apply antibiotic ointment and bandages until the wound has healed. Oral antibiotics may also be prescribed. Dr. Morse may recommend follow-up visits to assist you in your recovery.

To learn more about the benefits, costs or possible side effects of keloid scar removal, contact Dr. Morse for a personal consultation.